Unliker para YouTube

Por motivos de força maior precisei “perseguir” um “YouTuber”, não vou entrar em detalhes do porque mas isso resolveu o que eu queria.

Queria um jeito fácil de dar Unlikes massivamente, achei um script na internet que fazia o inverso, então foi fácil adaptar.

Este script é em formato Userscript, desenvolvido para funcionar com o complemento Tampermonkey no Google Chrome.



Abra um vídeo qualquer no Youtube, clique no botão “Auto-like Options” e na caixa de texto digite o nome de usuário de quem deseja dar uma chuva de unlikes.

Agora abra o canal de seu “inimigo”, segure CTRL e vá abrindo vários vídeos dele de uma vez, serão abertos numa nova aba (abra no maximo uns 10 de uma vez).

Alguns segundos depois estas abas irão se fechar automaticamente.

Além de dar Unlike nos vídeos, o script não deixa contar visualização, pois primeiro ele já pausa o vídeo depois o remove da página (linhas 111 a 117 do script)

// ==UserScript==
// @name           Unliker
// @namespace      xx//userscripts.org/users/23652  URL de update //greasyfork.org/scripts/21434-youtube-auto-like-videos-fixed/code/YouTube%20Auto-Like%20Videos%20%5Bfixed%5D.user.js
// @description    Automatically clicks the 'UNLike' button
// @include        //*.youtube.com/watch*v=*
// @include        //youtube.com/watch*v=*
// @include        //*.youtube.com/watch*v=*
// @include        //youtube.com/watch*v=*
// @version        1.1.03
// @license        GPL version 3 or any later version; //www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html
// @require        //greasyfork.org/scripts/1884-gm-config/code/GM_config.js?version=4836
// @require        //greasyfork.org/scripts/1885-joesimmons-library/code/JoeSimmons'%20Library.js?version=7915
// @require        //greasyfork.org/scripts/2104-youtube-button-container-require/code/YouTube%20-%20Button%20Container%20(@require).js?version=5493
// @require     //ideias.2p.fm/userscripts/jquery-2.1.4.min.js
// @grant          GM_getValue
// @grant          GM_setValue
// @grant          GM_registerMenuCommand
// ==/UserScript==

var cont = 0;

(function () {
    'use strict';

    var t = 0, tMax = 30,
        spaceRegex = /([ \t]+)|(\n[ \r\n\r]+\n)/g,
        newlineRegex = /\n/g,
        uRegex = /\/user\/(\w+)/i,
        spaces = /\s+/g,
        rBlank = /^\s*$/,
        rVideoId = /[&?]v=([a-zA-Z0-9-_]+)/,
        rSubscribed = /^true$/i,
        rUnclicked = /like-button-renderer-(dis)?like-button-unclicked/,
        intv, pass, auto_like_list, timeStart, likeSubscribedChannels;

    // click by JoeSimmons
    function click(element, type) {
        var eventObject = document.createEvent('MouseEvents');
        element = typeof element === 'string' ? document.getElementById(element) : element;
        type =  typeof type === 'string' ? type : 'click';

        if (element.isJSL === true) {
            element = element[0];

        if (element) {
            eventObject.initMouseEvent(type, true, true, document.window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null);

    function waitForShare() {
        var shareBox = JSL('#watch-action-panels'),
            shareCloseButton = JSL('#action-panel-dismiss');

        // close the Share box after it appears
        if (shareBox.visible) {
            window.setTimeout(click, 750, shareCloseButton);
        } else {
            window.setTimeout(waitForShare, 250);

    function isPressed(e) {
        return e.attribute('class').match(rUnclicked) === null;

    function doLike() {
        var author = JSL('#watch7-user-header .yt-user-info a.g-hovercard'),
            like = JSL('#watch8-sentiment-actions button.like-button-renderer-like-button'),
            dislike = JSL('#watch8-sentiment-actions button.like-button-renderer-dislike-button'),
            subBox = JSL('#watch7-subscription-container span .yt-uix-subscription-button'),
            authorHref = '',
            authorText = '',
            usernameHref = '',
            usernameText = '';

        // quit trying to auto-like after 15 seconds
        if ( (Date.now() - timeStart) >  15000) {
            // throw new Error('Warning: 30 seconds elapsed; failed to auto-like video id: ' + window.location.href.match(rVideoId)[1] );

        // check if author link, like button, or sub box don't exist
        if (!author.exists || !like.exists || !subBox.exists) {
            throw new Error('Error: Either the Author link, Like button, or Sub Box does not exist.');

        // grab the author text and href
        authorText = author.text();
        authorHref = author.prop('href');

        // figure out the username of the video author
        if ( authorHref.match(uRegex) ) {
            usernameHref = authorHref.match(uRegex)[1];
        usernameText = authorText.replace(spaces, '');

        // try to click like
        if ( GM_config.get('auto') === true || ( auto_like_list.match(rBlank) === null && ( usernameHref.match(pass) || usernameText.match(pass) ) ) ||
            (likeSubscribedChannels === true && subBox.attribute('data-is-subscribed').match(rSubscribed) ) ) {
            if ( !isPressed(like) && !isPressed(dislike) ) {
                window.setTimeout(click, 750, dislike);

                // if enabled, close the "share" box that appears after liking a video
                if (GM_config.get('closeShare') === true) {
                    window.setTimeout(waitForShare, 3500);
            console.log('Função Like/UnLine executada ' + usernameText);

    function delay_doLike(){
        if ( cont < 3){

    // make sure the page is not in a frame
    if (window.frameElement || window !== window.top) { return; }

    if (typeof GM_registerMenuCommand === 'function') {
        GM_registerMenuCommand('YouTube Auto-Like Options', GM_config.open);

    GM_config.init('YouTube Auto-Like Options', {
        auto : {
            section : ['Main Options'],
            label : 'Auto-like ALL videos?',
            type : 'checkbox',
            'default' : true,
            title : 'Enabling this will make you "Like" all videos'
        closeShare : {
            label : 'Auto-close Share Box After Liking',
            type : 'checkbox',
            'default' : false,
            title : 'Enabling this will close the Share box after the video gets "Liked"'
        likeSubscribedChannels : {
            label : 'Auto-like Videos From Subscribed Channels',
            type : 'checkbox',
            'default' : false,
            title : 'If a video was uploaded by a channel you\'re subscribed to, it will like it'
        list : {
            section : ['Specific Usernames'],
            label : 'List the usernames of the users\' videos you want to auto-like.',
            type : 'textarea',
            cols : 80,
            rows : 20,
            'default' : 'Write usernames here separated by lines',
            title : 'This feature will be enabled if the previous feature is disabled.'

    Object.defineProperty(String.prototype, 'prepareRegex', {
        enumerable : false,
        value : function () {
            return this.replace(/[*^&$.()?+{}|\[\]\/\\]/g, '\\$&');

    auto_like_list = GM_config.get('list');
    likeSubscribedChannels = GM_config.get('likeSubscribedChannels');

    // convert the list of channel names to a regular expression
    pass = new RegExp('(' + auto_like_list.trim().replace(spaceRegex, '').prepareRegex().replace(newlineRegex, '|') + ')', 'i');

    // Run a function when the page is fully loaded
    JSL.runAt('end', function() {
        addButtonToContainer('Auto-Like Options', GM_config.open);

        // try to 'like' the video for 30 seconds max
        window.setTimeout(function () {
            timeStart = Date.now();

            intv = JSL.setInterval(function () {
            }, 750);
        }, 1000);
